Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Welcome to the blog of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church's Senior Choir and its upcoming tour to S. Africa. We depart in just 2 weeks for an adventure that includes visits to Johannesburg, Soweto, Pilanesburg, Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown (where we perform in Africa's largest arts festival), Kynsna (with a performance in the local Dutch Reformed Church), and on to Capetown! Be sure and check back to this blog for updates and, depending on computer access, PHOTOS!


Anonymous said...

Is this where the postings/comments are supposed to go?

Anonymous said...

This is such fun! I'll still send postcards, but this will be far more descriptive than "wish you were here!"

Taylor said...

This is a neat way to share the trip. I've made a lot of interesting connections over talk of the trip already - it will be fun to share with them. -Meg

Unknown said...

Have a great time, everyone! I'm sorry that I can't go, but take good care of my mother while she is with you!

- Greg McMullan