Friday, July 6, 2007

Knysna Aids Council

The Knysna Aids Council, in a small house, only a few blocks from Main Street does so much more than testing and counseling. Under the astute and thorough administration of Millicent, it cares for children, provides training for young people, visits prisons and continues to network so that its reach can stretch further. The K.A.C. is not associated with a church, but its 12 staff members are Christian and feel called to their work. While visiting, we were chauffered to the tiny home of Nombulelo Fonti, who is conected with the K.A.C. Nombulelo, HIV positive herself for 14 years, provides childcare for little ones whose caretakers are too ill from the disease to provide consistent supervision. Nombulelo lives in one of the all too common township neighborhoods that is, though not as poor as Kliptown, certainly in great need. The children we met were delightful, naturally. They joined us in song and graciously accepted our small gifts. Once again, a lesson in humility was provided for all who visited.

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